Wearing White After Labor Day?


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As a true Southern woman, I have been told many times by all close female friends,  my grandmothers and mother that you cannot wear white after Labor Day. I think this may have been a southern tradition passed down by many generations. "Don't get out the white until Easter!"

However, I think the times are changing! It's September, but it's still 90 degrees outside! In Alabama, even though your calendar says it’s September, the weather outside still feels like July.
Especially in the South, it stays hotter longer and it doesn’t quite feel like autumn until
the last part of October. So, it’s only appropriate to throw on a pair of easy white skinny
jeans, knits, or a sundress before heading to outdoor activities. My thoughts are, if it feels like summer, then it’s probably safe to wear white.

Also, as fashion is evolving, white can truly be worn ALL THE TIME... if styled right.

Whether or not this is acceptable, this fashion debate has been going on for
hundreds of years. Millions of woman contemplate, “Am I going to look ridiculous if I
wear something white after Labor Day?” Furthermore, it is so difficult to not want to
wear the awesome white pants you got on sale last week or that long white maxi you
just found yesterday on its third markdown.

The SOLUTION is knowing how to style it right. Here are a few tips from me to help you
feel comfortable about wearing whites after Labor Day.

1. Stay away from white accessories.

You can have too much white in your outfit.
Remember it’s pre-fall not summer any more.

2.  Invest in Winter Whites!

 Skip the really white items. One shade off is best; for example, eggshell white, cream, and ivory are the way to go! (My blazer comes in
shades of white.)

3. The fabric is key.

Make sure the fabric is suitable for fall.
The weight of the white fabric is very important. Lightweight materials, like linen, chiffon,
eyelet, and charmeuse, are meant for pool parties and barbeques. Heavier materials,
like denim, khaki, and tweed are more suitable for the pre-fall time of year.

Wearing white this fall and winter CAN definitely work! If your outfit feels still super-summery, swap out accessories for low- rise booties and a leather jacket.

From my closet to yours, thanks for stopping by.


Candice Brown Photography

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